Since it’s holiday time, a little space clearing can make everything easier. Everyone who enters a space leaves an energy stamp behind. If you have entered a room and immediately felt different (good or bad) you have encountered the energy of that environment. Good housekeeping keeps the dust bunnies away, but it’s important to clear energy dust bunnies as well.
Smudging is the process of using smoke with your intention, invocation or prayer to clear out what no longer serves and call in the blessings. Herbs are burned for a cleansing smoke. Smudge herbs include leaves (sage, sweet grass, cedar, mugwort), tree bark (palo santo), and resins (dragons blood, frankincense). Click here for how to smudgeSmudging is a good way to shift energy in a space. But it’s just not easy to do in an airplane or hotel room, or at corporate or family event. These are the times to work with bubbles and light!

An energy bubble is something created with intention. To reset the energy of a room, imagine a giant bubble that fits the boundaries of the space, lining the ceiling, walls and floor. Next, place silver cords within the bubble in each corner of the room. Imagine a drain or tunnel in the floor that goes to the center of the planet. Gather the cords together in the center of the room; then use the cords to peal the bubble from the walls and allow it to go down into the drain. (I also request that the cleared energy be neutralized as it is flushed away.) After you have done this process, the room will typically feel cooler as well as calm.
I also use bubbles for grounding the space in between. Everyone has experienced having a conversation become unpleasant. The energy builds and participants start to react to the energy and cannot hear anymore. This is a handy way to clear the air when the discussion gets too heated.
Identify the center of the space, the area between the speakers. Imagine the encapsulating this space within a bubble. Create the hole to the center of the planet and allow the bubble to go down the hole. Watch everyone lean back and visibly relax.
Another clearing tool is light. You can invoke divine white light to entirely fill a space to burn away discordant energy. I will also direct light to go out of the way areas to clear stagnation that is hard to reach otherwise. Some healing modalities teach that one hand receives and the other hand delivers light, but when you are grounded you are already a conduit with either or both hands. You can direct the light with your hand or fingers, or if you don’t want to be distracting, direct the application of light with your eyes. When you clear with light, don’t be surprised to hear cracks and pops and the clearing works its magic.
Lastly, if you want a really fast an easy way to reset your space try my Happy Place spray. It’s a blend of vibrational remedies and essential oils. Spray it anywhere to create instant peace and tranquility.
So keep your season bright and your spaces clear.
When I’m not writing these blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too at