Previously, I wrote about the first Mercury retrograde of 2013. Since Mercury started moving backwards (in Pisces a water sign), reports of water issues have ranged from broken pipes and flooding to record amounts of snow and rain. Since most of the planetary action is in water signs, this week’s entry is more about planetary trends, with a watery emphasis.
Water, water everywhere
Mercury is currently in Pisces, a water sign. This sign is associated with a loss of boundaries as well as with dreams, illusions, and deceptions. It’s a spiritual sign, co-ruled by Jupiter (expansion, higher education, travel) and Neptune (dissolution, oneness).
Right now there is a group of planets in Pisces including the Sun, Mars and Neptune. In February 2012, Neptune moved into Pisces until 2025; Saturn entered Scorpio in October 2012 and stays there until 2015.
The elements are designated masculine or feminine. Masculine or yang elements are air (or metal in Chinese medicine, feng shui, astrology, etc.) and fire; feminine yin elements are water and earth. So all of these planetary placements in yin water is a time to look at the divine feminine.

This is not about male vs. female energies, it’s more about yin yang. Yin is passive, receptive, cold, wet, dark, soft, amorphous. Yang energy is bright, active, hot, dry, hard, structured. One does not exist without the other.
Water is associated not only with the stuff we drink, but also with emotions, intuition, memory and spirituality. Water permeates boundaries; it erodes its containment. Water can be directed in a beneficial way (e.g. through a pipe or irrigation system), but it can never be completely contained or controlled. Water nurtures (have a cup of tea and a hot bath) and destroys (floods and hurricanes).
Water is changeable. It adapts to the environment, so water transits can be times to look out for water borne illness (from tainted drugs or drinks to water pollution), edema (water retention), and dehydration (drought). Liquid isn’t just water, it includes oil, blood, and even wine.
Water distorts. Light refracts in water; particulates can make it opaque. Clarity is challenged. Water transits can be times of confusion, illusion and deception.
Stagnant water happens when flow stops. When pressure builds, movement can result in a flash flood when the levy breaks or as an emotional melt-down when you just can’t swallow any more pain.
Shift Happens
For the past 100 years or so, the infrastructure created through the manufacture and proliferation of yang energies reflects the serious imbalance we “enjoy” today. And to me, this imbalance is merely the latest iteration in the continual saga that is a cultural hatred of the divine feminine.
This is not about wage disparities or gender issues. It’s more than that. Everyday, there are endless examples of how we denigrate and abuse the creative force in the universe that is the divine yin.

The elements are essential for existence and each environment has a different ratio of the elements. An environment that has more fire and air with little water is a desert. And while all of the elements are necessary, nobody survives without water and the earth that provides our food.
So during this currently very water-y period, take the time to look at how you receive and what you allow yourself to feel. Water is life. Emotions can be experienced, shared or buried. Water and memory run deep, be aware that this is an opportunity to see what comes to the surface.
When I’m not writing these blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too at energyismagic.com