More than one person has asked if Mercury retrograde is just some sort of planetary punishment. Is there any good news?
On the coast out here in Oregon, the water dominates. Cliffs crumble into the sea. Trees are washed away. Rock erodes into sand. The rivers and streams push through any obstacle. This Mercury is about dealing with stuff you’ve been ignoring. If you’ve been stuck for a while, this might be the time when water forces you to move.
I find Mercury retrograde a good time to consider options and direction. Make course adjustments, shop around and investigate options. Don’t get stuck in fear. Move forward at a comfortable pace and focus on what you want to manifest. When retrograde ends, the energy shifts to moving forward.

Just after Mercury goes direct, it’s my favorite day of the year, Spring Equinox. This year it’s on March 20. This mid-point of the year signals the beginning of longer days and warming temperatures; time to start your garden.
All of the coming Aries energies support new beginnings, fresh starts and forward motion. So use retrograde time to figure out your goals, then harness the Equinox energy to move forward with your plans.
If you can’t see you path, if you feel stuck and confused, consider asking for assistance. My fabulous sprays are soon back in-stock at Health Unlimited (if you’re near Atlanta). You can try testers for the entire line and shipping is available. Or contact me to find out if it’s something bigger.
When I’m not writing these blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too atenergyismagic.com