Drftwood Beach, Oregon
When we start our journey, change may take longer than expected. We are accustomed to fast. We believe waiting is a waste of time. Overnight shipments, text messages, drive through coffee and microwave entrees. For instant service, click a button. Gratification now.
Why is service so slow?
It gets frustrating when desires don’t manifest at the speed of thought. You read the book, took the workshop, made a vision board and repeated affirmations, so where is that new life already? How long is this supposed to take?

We forgot about how long it takes to get somewhere. Less than 100 years ago, a journey took time and a lot of work. Progress was comparatively slow. Sometimes there was a horse, but most people walked everywhere. A long trip could span several weeks or longer. There was no GPS, credit cards, or travel agents. Sometimes roads were paved or maybe there’s a path. Accommodations varied; you might find a place to eat or sleep, or not. Weather was unpredictable. A smart person prepares for contingencies; travel plans are always subject to change. You can only choose how to respond, everything else is out of your control.
A journey takes time
What you think of as distractions, delays, side trips or detours is the journey. You can respond to shifts with anger or exasperation. Or choose to anticipate that everything is just fine. This is where you’re supposed to be. Every journey takes the time necessary.

A map is a record of where you’ve already been
Life is change. So each journey is a road trip. You identify goals and have a general plan, but stuff happens. You can accept the unexpected any way you choose. Be flexible. Eat well and drink lots of water. Stop and stretch. Lighten up. Meet like-minded people. There is no wrong way so just relax. Look for opportunities to see something amazing. Plan to have a good time. Enjoy the wisdom of two visionaries here.
Astrologically, there are many planets in Aries this month. Harness this energy of heat and movement to direct forward motion. Be completely present when visualizing what you want. Fire energy can be a warming flame of happy creativity, or you can burn everything down with misdirected anger. Take a deep breath and choose consciously. There’s a great astrological column here .
When I’m not writing blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and their places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. If you’re in Atlanta you can use the free testers available for all of my vibrational sprays, at Health Unlimited. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too at energyismagic.com