For the past few days, we had a crazy wind and side-ways rain. But today (Tuesday), right before this new moon in Aries, the clouds broke and the rain stopped. The sky was a bit overcast with filtered sun but the icy wind was gone.
It was pretty perfect. I didn’t have to wear my heavy coat, scarf, gloves and multiple layers. So after running some errands, Gabby and I went to a new beach. The spring-break crowds have left until summer; there were only a few scattered people and their happy dogs. It was low tide and small rocks and sand dollar fragments were scattered along the beach.

I have been coveting the petrified shells I’ve seen recently around town. One local restaurant uses them to hold down the check. On my walk today, I thought about how great it would be to actually find one on the beach. And as the thought went out to the universe, I found some. Then I thought about unbroken sand dollars and found some of those as well.
Late tonight (actually early Wednesday morning), it’s time for the new moon. Many gardeners already work with moon for happier healthier plants and better yields. But you can also work with new moon energy for starting new projects and ideas.

The new moon is the time to identify your path and submit your request to the powers that be. And just as those shells manifested through simple visualization and expressed desire, you can visualize your dream and release it to the order-processing arm of the universe. So take a moment to consolidate your thoughts to submit your latest suggestions.
There’s a little bit more Aries action for the next week or so, and then the energy shifts to slower moving Taurus. Now is the time to harness new moon energy to plant desires for later harvest. Sketch out your plan and get moving.
For most of April, be prepared to balance the conflicting energy of Aries (infant, anger, starts, fire, Mars, fast) encountering Pluto in Capricorn (establishment, structure, rules, patriarchy).
Think of it as heedless youth bumping into confining structures. Things are shifting and changing. The energy is uneven. When life is uncertain, remember that you can choose how to respond.
Some people will hide their fear with aggression and anger. Some stay in fear and sadness. Others choose to do nothing and wait for a miracle. So rather than bumping your head against the wall when things look sketchy, take a breath and visualize your destination. You are the conduit for change. Take charge of your vision and walk toward your dream.
Happy new moon!
When I’m not writing blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and their places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. If you’re in Atlanta you can use the free testers available for all of my vibrational sprays, at Health Unlimited. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too at energyismagic.com
This article was exactly what I needed to read right now! Thank you so much.