It’s Almost Taurus Time!
On Monday, the energy started the shift from Aries to Taurus. Venus has already moved to Taurus; the Sun and Mars follow at the end of the week. Aries energy is hurry up already; Taurus is about steady growth. Aries is a flashy red racecar with a great stereo and big speakers; Taurus is an elegant ride with good resale value.
In astrology, Venus is the planetary ruler associated with Taurus the Bull. Aries is great with ideas; Taurus puts in the work to make it happen. Taurus and Venus believe in grace, harmony and abundance: music and delicious food in a beautiful room. Life gets settled and more serious. Anchor the energy of Taurus to build the foundation for your dreams. Taurus knows that action is required for results.

Taurus is All About Be Here Now
Over the winter you refined your vision. Now, to co-create with the universe you have to participate; no one will do the work for you. Momentum begins through your action.
When you are analyzing, planning and judging how it’s supposed to be; you are limiting how things can manifest. You are not present; your energy is focused elsewhere. You’re not paying attention to right now. You are distracted by mind-chatter.
1) You don’t need, and can’t have, the complete picture. It’s impossible to know the details of how it’s supposed to be, you don’t know them yet. You make your own future and everything is subject to change. Learn and refine the creation as you go along. When you are completely present with where you are right now, you are in the place of clarity.

2) Ask for what you want, but don’t specify how it has to happen. This is the time when you get in your own way. The universe takes care of the details. It’s the ultimate concierge: I want to do this. I want to go there. I want more of that. (Here’s a fun article about self-sabotaging mental habits.)
3) When things don’t go as you planned, don’t take it personally. This is the path. Trust that everything is in flow. Don’t abandon your vision or decide that it is unattainable. You always get to be right. Rather choosing scarcity, ask for what you want in a clear voice, and allow it show up. When we get caught up in details, we miss the big picture. Our job is to hold the vision and leave the details open.
4) Be ready to receive, anytime. Typically, we take time to identify the only way something will happen. We run the numbers, determined the correct time frame and learn the rules. We justify our desires and identify the energy exchange. We forget that none of it has to be true. And when we tenaciously hold onto our script, we block anything else from showing up.

When you are open to change you are in alignment with the universe. When you are stuck running your mental programs, you can’t see the opportunities in alignment with your dreams. You must be present to win.
When I’m not writing blogs, I provide energy clearings for people and their places around the world. I also create products designed to help improve the energy of your environment and support your healing process. If you’re in Atlanta you can use the free testers available for all of my vibrational sprays, at Health Unlimited. Check out all of my services, stuff and testimonials too at energyismagic.com