Hey I was on the Radio!
Sunday night, we did a show with tips and techniques for better energy management. Check it out! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/paranormalhorizons/2018/03/05/paranormal-horizons
Continue reading →Sunday night, we did a show with tips and techniques for better energy management. Check it out! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/paranormalhorizons/2018/03/05/paranormal-horizons
Continue reading →The chart for June’s new moon emphasizes the communications you receive and believe. It’s the beginning of discernment. A new moon is when the moon and sun come together (conjunct) in the same sign to set the tone for the next month / moon cycle. This New Moon is also conjunct Venus. The sun is in…
Continue reading →I just added a new page on my web site that’s designed to answer some of the questions about flower and gem essences: how are flower essences different form aromatherapy, how do you make an energy essence and more. Check it out and if you have questions I didn’t consider, let me know. http://www.energyismagic.com/cms/faqs-about-flower-essences/
Continue reading →On Thursday we have the first lunar eclipse of the year: the full Moon in Scorpio opposite the Sun in Taurus. This is the first of three eclipses over the next thirty days. Typically full moon energy fuels the projects initiated at the new moon, but the emotional reboot from the eclipse can fuel new…
Continue reading →It’s Almost Taurus Time! On Monday, the energy started the shift from Aries to Taurus. Venus has already moved to Taurus; the Sun and Mars follow at the end of the week. Aries energy is hurry up already; Taurus is about steady growth. Aries is a flashy red racecar with a great stereo and big…
Continue reading →For the past few days, we had a crazy wind and side-ways rain. But today (Tuesday), right before this new moon in Aries, the clouds broke and the rain stopped. The sky was a bit overcast with filtered sun but the icy wind was gone. It was pretty perfect. I didn’t have to wear my…
Continue reading →When we start our journey, change may take longer than expected. We are accustomed to fast. We believe waiting is a waste of time. Overnight shipments, text messages, drive through coffee and microwave entrees. For instant service, click a button. Gratification now. Why is service so slow? It gets frustrating when desires don’t manifest at…
Continue reading →This weeks blog is taking a lot more time to write than I anticipated. So, here’s a quick Happy Full Moon message. Even though it’s a full moon, the planets in Aries are about fresh new beginnings. Uranus in Aries says it’s time for change, drama is optional. Ready to dance to your dream? Get…
Continue reading →Tomorrow is Spring Equinox. The seasons have changed. Winter has officially ended (even if it’s not warm yet). Spring is the start of the growing season. Astrologically, planets have moved from Pisces (the sign of dissolution and water) to Aries. Ruled by fiery Mars, Aries is symbolized by the Ram (lamb). Aries is acts. It…
Continue reading →On Saturday I went on a road trip with Lori, her dog Bailey, and my dog Gabby to Cannon Beach. Lori moved here from Missouri less than a month ago. Bailey is a Golden Lab who has made it her job to personally greet everybody. She won’t race up and jump on you. She’ll just…
Continue reading →More than one person has asked if Mercury retrograde is just some sort of planetary punishment. Is there any good news? On the coast out here in Oregon, the water dominates. Cliffs crumble into the sea. Trees are washed away. Rock erodes into sand. The rivers and streams push through any obstacle. This Mercury is…
Continue reading →Previously, I wrote about the first Mercury retrograde of 2013. Since Mercury started moving backwards (in Pisces a water sign), reports of water issues have ranged from broken pipes and flooding to record amounts of snow and rain. Since most of the planetary action is in water signs, this week’s entry is more about planetary…
Continue reading →There’s a reason why astrology doesn’t just fade away. It works. An astrology chart is a picture of the sky and placement of the planets that is earth centric. Planetary cycles and movements correlate to shifts both cultural and personal. I have studied astrology forever. Astrology is a symbolic language that explains when, why…
Continue reading →There’s a light at the end of the tunnel but you can’t figure out how to get there. You read the books and work your intentions, but things don’t work out the way you want. Most days you can hold the vision and stay in your happy place, but then something happens and you feel…
Continue reading →The circle is a basic shape with a variety of applications in energy work. Make a circle with your intention. Imagine a tube of light and place it around something you want to protect. There are endless applications for this tool. It is a boundary. It separates. Here are some ideas to try. Personal protection…
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