New Information on my Site

I just added a new page on my web site that’s designed to answer some of the questions about flower and gem essences: how are flower essences different form aromatherapy, how do you make an energy essence and more.   Check it out and if you have questions I didn’t consider, let me know.  

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Do you feel stuck?

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel but you can’t figure out how to get there. You read the books and work your intentions, but things don’t work out the way you want. Most days you can hold the vision and stay in your happy place, but then something happens and you feel…

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Energy Tools – Working with Circles

The circle is a basic shape with a variety of applications in energy work. Make a circle with your intention. Imagine a tube of light and place it around something you want to protect. There are endless applications for this tool. It is a boundary. It separates. Here are some ideas to try. Personal protection…

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