Do you feel stuck?

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel but you can’t figure out how to get there. You read the books and work your intentions, but things don’t work out the way you want. Most days you can hold the vision and stay in your happy place, but then something happens and you feel…

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Energy Tools – Working with Circles

The circle is a basic shape with a variety of applications in energy work. Make a circle with your intention. Imagine a tube of light and place it around something you want to protect. There are endless applications for this tool. It is a boundary. It separates. Here are some ideas to try. Personal protection…

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What’s on your walls?

Your image choices, uplifting or depressing? We all know that words and beliefs help to create your path. But you may not have considered how your space impacts your life. The colors around you, energy flow of your space, the light and sounds in your home all contribute energy to your life. If you’re in…

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Time for a new operating system?

This isn’t about your computer. Your personal operating system’s code is made of your beliefs about how things should be and what you can do, say, want and have. It’s the reason you have created for why you can’t. It’s your perception about life. These lines of code (beliefs) are the foundation of how you…

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Dealing with Vampires

Everyone has met at least one. You start the day enthusiastic and full of energy. Then after an unpleasant encounter you need a long nap followed by some serious caffeine. You may have met an energy vampire. Someone who seems to leave you feeling drained after every encounter. What happened? Some energy vampires connect with…

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Smoke-free ways to clear the air

Since it’s holiday time, a little space clearing can make everything easier. Everyone who enters a space leaves an energy stamp behind. If you have entered a room and immediately felt different (good or bad) you have encountered the energy of that environment. Good housekeeping keeps the dust bunnies away, but it’s important to clear…

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Feeling like a zombie?

Been feeling like a zombie? You may have a leak. Note: Energy improves when you are grounded. When you ground you are energized; when you are grounded, you are plugged into the universe. Start with grounding.  Every person has an aura, or energy body. It’s the bubble of light surrounding you, your personal space. Damage…

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