Nice things my clients say about my products and services.
You worked on my home in St Louis while I was in Hawaii last week. We got home on Wednesday and the energy in the home felt much better. Before, no one slept in the basement. That bedroom, where the portal was, is my older son’s room and he is at college. His bed was all messed up when we got home from Hawaii and it appeared that a stick had been jabbed into the bedspread with the imprint that was on the bed. The shag throw rug at the end of his bed had “drag” marks or the carpet was laid down in the direction of the wall with the portal. So, my husband and I felt like there was some real activity in that room when we were gone, before your clearing. Our 7 year old was not as jumpy and afraid of the house on Wednesday night and even asked to go to his bed which he has never done before. He also went into the basement and watched TV by himself and he never does that. We didn’t hear any noises or have any activity since we got home. Thank you. L.N. – St. Louis
Thank you for clearing the portal and vortex in my home. I can tell a huge difference and so can my 3-year-old grandson. He doesn’t see “monsters” anymore when he comes to my house.
Linda R., TN
“Over the years I have turned to Nicole many times. No matter what I think, I have found her work to be just the ticket for clearing up chronic pains and discomforts that don’t respond to regular care. Also, Nicole has been generous in teaching me how to care for myself energetically. She respects my ability to heal myself and leaves me to it, yet she also graciously remains available if something is too much for my skill level. I highly recommend Nicole to anyone having a hard time being well and living well.”
– Calhoun, Medicinal Herbalist and Massage Therapist
“Words cannot express my gratitude for what you have done. I have not felt this good in many years. Not only do I feel more love going outward, but the anger I have carried all this time seems to be diminishing daily. For the first time, I am able to move forward emotionally and my heart chakra just burst open. I can now go anywhere. You are a phenomenal person!”
– Merri, Ohio
“We made it home and it feels really, really good. I can’t explain how I feel when other energies are in the house. I haven’t felt a negative presence but a definite presence. The funny thing, is that “they” seem to want to be discovered. There are knocks and noises and it’s like they want to be discovered! They seem very bold to me. It’s not like they are going to be quiet and hang out undetected.
I also noticed that both times you’ve found something here, G had fits (both times) before going to bed. She’s never verbalized her frantic pre-bed sleep fits but I’m sensitive to her unusual behavior. I’ve asked her about it both times and she can’t explain her crying and refusal to stay alone and go to sleep. Maybe I’m not asking her the right questions.
I am so happy to have the protection! I’m certain my neighbors must think I’m crazy!! Of course, I don’t care. I need some peace!
🙂 Steffani, FL
You’re an incredible healer and there hasn’t been any issue I’ve sought your help for that I haven’t seen a significant shift and healing from as a result of your work. I trust you implicitly and truly appreciate your sharing your magnificent gift with those who come to you for help. You’re always “right on” with the intuitions you share with me; and your clear focused energy helps to pick up any irregularities in my aura or home that should be cleansed. Thank you for sharing your gift with me and all you’ve done for me over the years.
– Sara, Atlanta
“Nicole, you are the best. As you know, I have been working in a very negative environment. My workday was to the point where I was coming home every day in tears. If not for your Attitude Adjustment and Happy Place Sprays, I am not sure how much longer I could have tolerated my job, and unfortunately the job market is slim for finding a new one. It is truly amazing how such a small bottle of spray can do such wonders. Thank you does not seem to be enough.”
-Renee, Burlingame, CA.

“I have been using my personal remedy and the sprays and I’ll tell you I’m pleased, very pleased. While I haven’t noticed major shifts, I have experienced a steady series of subtle ones. I’ve begun to anticipate a tsunami of subtleties that will lead to big break-throughs. You are in my eyes a lovely, healing force of nature.”
-Russell Washington, South Carolina
“Nicole is a truly magical woman. She intuitively created sprays exclusively for me to clear the lower vibrational frequencies in my home as well as a vibrational remedy for my personal being. What was the most amazing part is the information her soul divined about issues that have held me back all my life. I feel much more at peace and lighter within my aura. As a psychic and astrologer myself, I could clearly see how her service will influence and assist in raising the vibrational frequencies of the mother earth to help heal her wounded spirit and that of her children as well.”
-Beatrice Marot, Los Angeles, CA
“It was such a pleasure meeting you last Friday afternoon, and I can’t thank you enough for removing the dark energy that was weighing me down. I feel so much lighter and back to my youthful self. I so desperately needed that transformation. I had been seeking how to change my vibration for the past 3 years with many, many tears of desperation involved. I knew something was dark within me yet I did not know what to do. I am so grateful that the Universe led me to you. Thank you again, Nicole. You are a treasure! “
-Diane H., Atlanta
“Just wanted to say how much you have helped my whole family with clearing our new home. When we first moved into our home, it had a very cold feeling with a heavy sadness to it. The longer we stayed in it the more we hated it. I kept asking myself why did I feel so uncomfortable in such a beautiful home. Even our dog would growl in certain rooms as though he was trying to scare something away. The day after you did your clearing, things changed for me and soon the rest of the family followed. The dog no longer acts up and everyone is sleeping better, in fact – too good! Even though it is still January, the house has a warm feel to it. Thank you so very much for clearing all the negative energy out of our home.”
-K. H., Danville, CA.
“We have had our cat for about 8 months; we got him as a kitten and enjoyed him so much. Except when he’s naughty and boy had he been naughty – chewing speaker wires and headphone cables, knocking over houseplants and breaking the containers, shredding my chair and general mayhem. He wasn’t always this bad, but for 6 weeks he’d been awful. My friends would phone and I’d complain saying, “He’s so sweet when he isn’t busy being rotten.” For instance, he doesn’t use his claws on us, not even on my not so gentle 5-year old who doesn’t always play nice. He is very gentle; he likes affection and is very social. But his behavior had deteriorated to the point where I was constantly reprimanding him tell him that everything he wanted to do was illegal. Plus he hadn’t pooped in about 6 days!!
I finally called Nicole out of desperation after remembering that she had helped a friend of mine whose dog was troubled. When Nicole and I talked next it was amazing! “Nicole! Louis pooped this morning! And he is so much calmer!” However, the change was so complete – we were amazed over the next few days to realize exactly how troubled our little fellow had been. He was more playful, loving, calm. He wasn’t interested in gnawing on wires and getting on the counters. What a change! I wasn’t always exasperated with him. Apparently, Nicole removed a critter from his back and cleared out our apartment. But Louis was still nervous. So Nicole expanded her search and discovered a portal on the complex where we live! She cleared that and closed it up too. I thank you so much, Nicole! “
Kricket – VA
“I employed the services of Nicole Person to clear our room for a four-day workshop of particular importance. Our workshop conveyed controversial and sensitive information involving deep introspection and self-examination on the part of attendees. It was specifically for this purpose, along with my own personal experience with lingering energies in physical spaces, that I was most pleased to receive Nicole’s uniquely designed and professional service in clearing our room of all energies and influences that would affect our process. Not only is her knowledge backed with experience and research, her service is timely and her love of craft evident, and in my opinion, essential to all who wish a clear environment in which to pursue their goals.”
As a ex-sceptic of the super natural, I promise, what Nicole did for me is more than coincidence. She has a definite gift. Here is my story:
“Have you been living next to a grave yard, or been around dead beings lately?” the voice asked me from behind the ginseng and Bach flower isle. “Well yes” I replied, trying to not let her see that my face was red and blotchy from crying. I had accidentally built my house on an ancient Mayan burial ground in the early 90’s in Costa Rica and ever since (not understanding the connection until I met Nicole) I had a run of the worst luck of my life. My chiropractor had instructed me to go and purchase a list of items to help me with my 2-year stint of uncontrollable depression, mood swings, and fearful thoughts. Instead, I found Nicole as the perfect prescription that has change my life… forever.
Right there Nicole explained. “I see there are about 9 spirits that are feeding on your fear and they’ve followed you back here to Atlanta. I can remove them if you like” “Great!” I exclaimed skeptical, feeling a scam coming on “How much is THIS gonna cost?” “Nothing” Nicole replied. “If it helps, here’s my card. You’re welcome to send me any amount as a donation at your discretion”. “Wow” I thought. I have spent hundreds of dollars for therapy, drugs, acupuncture, boot camps, vitamins, motivational seminars and NOTHING has helped for very long. What did I have to lose? Before Costa Rica, I had always been ‘lucky’. Anything I wished for would drop at my feet. I was positive, motivational, a secure and grounded person. I was a very spiritual person connected to serendipity with wonderful results. But then for the past 10 years my life, ever since I had moved to Costa Rica, it has been filled with law suits, stupid accidents, and a run of bad luck… forever being in the wrong place at the wrong time. From job losses, to deceitful endeavors, you name it and it had happened to me. Even my friends were avoiding being around me so my bad luck wouldn’t rub off on them. I was clinically depressed, even feeling suicidal at times. It felt like there were voices in my head, that would tell me I was no good,
not lucky, didn’t deserve financial security or be in a great relationship. I had become mean, withdrawn, negative and would cry daily at the stupidest things. THIS WAS NOT ME!

Nicole simply asked me to stand there for a few minutes while she closed her eyes and whispered something to herself while raising her hands several times. That very afternoon my life had an instant change for the better. A man I had been perusing wanted to date me again, I received a message from my lawyer that ‘mysteriously’ there was a deal on the table from my ex to resolve our lawsuit. I slept soundly without nightmares for the first time in years, and there were about 7 other great things that happened within days. I landed a fabulous opportunity to make great money within days of meeting Nicole. I felt calm and happy and for the months that followed I had nothing but great luck. The negative inner voices simply vanished. My life was back on track. I was happy and finally always in the right place at the right time.
Ever since, Nicole has helped many of my friends too, with the exact same instant positive results. Most recently, I had slipped into another run of ‘bad’ luck and feeling of negative thoughts and literally within a day of another session with Nicole, my life has taken a swing for an incredible amount of positive happenings, great luck, positive energy and my mindset is grounded and secure once again. I landed my dream job, I win stuff I enter, I’m once again connected to the synchronicity of life and happiness that is supposed to be life as I know it, as we all want it to be.
I am forever grateful for Nicole and her gift and I recommend her unconditionally to everyone I know who can use her services.
You don’t have to ‘believe’ in what Nicole says or does. You just have to accept her help and I’m sure that whatever you are struggling with… whatever negative entities that are feeding on your fear, contributing to your problems, will disappear as they have for me.
D. Douglas.
Vancouver Canada
Call: 404-483-4390 | Email:
Numerous successful clearings.
We felt it immediately.
When you need a shift in the right direction; Nicole can make it happen. First, she assesses the situation and explains what she finds. Then she applies the appropriate energy and gives you the tools you need to hold it in place and do work on your own.
Over the past 10 years; I have been fortunate to know and be able to rely on Nicole. Besides being brilliant, caring and funny; she is adept at cutting through to core issues with precision and wisdom. We recommend her highly.
PS. We own all of her Sprays. I have suggested that she make them in Super Soaker size because I use them all the time…couldn’t live without them!!
Nicole has helped me immensely in many ways. She has cleared my home and my office and has relieved me of many non-beneficial beliefs relating to money, poverty and scarcity. And, most recently, she helped me identify and clear a very troublesome vow. In all instances, especially the last, I felt a tremndous sense of lightness and relief after her work was done. I am beyond grateful to for her work.